Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lessons learnt from presentation on 09/11/15

The presentation on the 9th of November was the first presentation in my uni life. It was a good transition from giving presentations in the army, as the objective of this presentation was to propose ideas and try to sell them. Whereas in the army, the objective of the briefings I gave was to cover all the points required by the organisation. 

I chose not to introduce our ideas during the introduction of the proposal as I thought it would be more impactful to hear the ideas from my group mates at a later stage. I found out after the presentation that it was a grave mistake, one that I am glad I made here as it would have been much costlier if this happened at work in the future. The whole idea of a proposal presentation is to sell the idea, so I think our group made the mistake of going into the details of the ideas instead of selling them. Our presentation could have been better suited as a follow up presentation after our proposal is accepted. 

As mentioned above, most of the feedback given to us were about our content organisation. I will try to organize presentations to suit the audience in future. 

Our content organisation may not have been the best but I feel that our delivery was good. I think the good delivery came down to rehearsing many times and understanding each other's parts well enough that we know what the other members are going to say. We practiced on over Skype during the weekends and had physical rehearsals on Monday during the 4 hour break. The physical rehearsals were the ones that made the most difference as we corrected our stance, our hand movement and a lot of the transition during slides. 

Overall, giving this presentation was a great experience and it will definitely help me give better ones next time. 


  1. Hi Xue Yuan,

    Your presentation was overall great! I honestly feel that you were the best presenter of the trio and it was one of the best presentations I have seen. Unfortunately in the beginning, the audience did not seem to respond well enough for you to prove your point. Although that happened, it did not seem to affect your presentation was delivered well.

    Good job! Keep up the good work!


  2. Hi Xue Yuan

    You started your presentation well with confidence. You are a great presenter which the audience will pay attention to your presentation. You just need to provide more information for audience to understand the purpose of your proposed idea.

    Great job!

  3. Hi Xue Yuan,

    The reason why i am here commenting on your presentation reflection is because i love and admire your confidence level during presentations.
    I am truly impressed by how calm you are and that your thoughts can flow so smoothly when you present in front of a crowd.
    Personally, i would say i found your oral presentation the best and your delivery is on point and your tone makes the audience interested and want to pay attention to your speech.
    Well done and keep it up! :D


  4. Hi xue yuan!
    I admire your presentation skills because you know your content very well. You are very calm when you present the team's idea with great confidence! You also have good eye contacts with the audience! Look forward to your presentations in the future!

    Siti mardhiyyah
